Saturday, December 30, 2006

Heads, how hard can it be?

Well, it's actually pretty hard.
atleast to make a desent face, and diffrent kind of faces.

so i saw some stuff from Chris Wahl ( link to his blog on the right ) and he drew three diffrent headshapes, and made some kickass cool stuff.

I wasn't trying to copy his or anything, more of a start in getting better, myself.
So, here is one I did very fast.

I neither of these are my strong side, but I could sure use alot of practice on female heads.

Going to order a few books tomorrow from

I'll put up the pictures of the front page on em.


Edit: I'm on a roll toNIGHT-ahh!

Friday, December 29, 2006

The first post in this section.

So, I figured i'd post something a bit more usefull here, and not just _all_ random.
Allthough I tend to do random stuff alot.

I'll put up some small drawngs here, and stuff like that.

I'm allso very into animating, and I'll hopefully get to make a small film some day.

Still only seventeen, and still got one and a half years left in artschool before I start studying animation.
Atleast I hope i'll get to do so.

This last animation needs alot more frames, for sure, and the timing isn't all that good, but practice makes perfekt, right?